Story Book started

I had actually managed to get the first few chapters of the YA Novel written this week along with some of the storybook images. This morning I had a bee in my bonnet and was trying to visualize how the story book would look as an ePub. The curiosity got the better of me, and I launched my InDesign and got some stuff laid out.
I'm so pleased with the results. It also informed me where I needed to do another illustration, so this afternoon's job is going to be doing that.

The Facebook page was created two days ago, although I am not going to start really pushing on that till nearer the self-publishing date, for those who are interested, the link is.

I can't believe how rewarding this is. Even if the book doesn't make any money when it's launched, just doing it for my friends and families kids is going to be rewarding enough,


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