Quest two complete

I can remember trying to write as a teenager and never getting very far. It was in the days of good old-fashioned pen and paper. I'd get a couple of chapters in and give up the ghost.
The great thing about today is not only the fact that you can write in a nonlinear fashion, but there are so many apps to help you block out your story map, create your character and objects reference library, store reference images, and create accompanying artwork.

So this week I dived into Teban Thelba's (my lead characters) second quest, and over three chapters I managed to go from start to finish with one tiny gap left for me to fill in when I have a substantial good enough idea for it.

They say the conflict is the spice of writing, and as difficult as I initially found it, I actually managed to get some good stuff in there. I need to get a good row between Teban Thelba and her friends into the story at some point, and so far that has eluded me. The resolution point is mapped out though.

The other thing I have decided this week is that I will do a straight forward youth novel with some of the artwork I am doing included and then an accompanying storybook version fully illustrated for younger readers.


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