Motivation for a first time writer

Although I have a complete plan of my novel written down, I have found myself writing in a nonlinear form and doing the chapters I know are easy to write. I have reached the halfway point and it is now the time where I need to do research and think very carefully how I thread the interweaving chapters together so that the are no inconsistencies with charchter motivations.

This s the bit I am finding hard and I guess the point where most first-time writers give up. I have found this week I am having to force myself to write. Yesterday I only managed 900 odd words instead of my usual 2 to 4 k. For me, my motivation changes from day to day. One day it may mean speaking to my sister or one of five other girlfriends who know how my brain works and keep me going. Other days it may that I just need to do some of the storybook version's artwork. Tuesday I had one of my friends over and I was just going through who the characters were, and a plot device that had been eluding me made itself clearly apparent.

For me, the important thing now is to keep saying to myself that I have actually achieved half of a rather large young adult novel. The challenge is now for me to finish the first draft. I already know which areas need a re-write or more focus but am saving that for draft two. The youtube motivational videos from other authors are - don't amend as you go along - get the first draft done - then edit and amend. The agreement seems to be if you keep changing what you are writing - you will never complete the first draft.

My final motivation is my health problems. The writing really is a great way to keep me from becoming morose and suffering from cabin fever. Coffee breaks now are an enjoyment rather than a daze. My mind is allowed to wander and explore the new world I have created, and the seeds fo a sequel have already surfaced through doing that.

If you are reading this and find motivation hard, look for it in your support network and also find different ways that mean something to you, and mix it up. Don't rely on the same triggers each day. Find a different form of motivation daily.

Writing this has been today's motivation to finish what I started yesterday.


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